
Sayuri’s Raw Food Café

Vol. 2

Just so you know that you don’t have to be raw foodies to enjoy all those meals just like you don’t have to be Italian to enjoy Italian dishes :) So sit back and relax, now we can enjoy all-raw scrambled “eggs” eggplant-bacon, “bread,” “butter,” many varieties of salads and dressings, fermented vegetables, fun salad sprinkles, serious fermented cheeses for Italian feasts, pizza, tortellini, ravioli, “caviar,” American burgers and chips, sandwiches, Indian curry and chapattis, Japanese tofu and super nori rolls, Asian favorites, sweet and sour, ramen noodles, Mexican lasagna, enchiladas and nachos, Middle Eastern falafel with hummus and harissa, tabouli, Spanish tapas and omelettes, chocolate banana pie, cheesecake and more in the most delicious, healthy, vibrant way!

What if “we are what we eat”? What if we become what we eat? Would you like to become a fresh, juicy, pure, sexy, vibrantly colorful, highly vibrational tomato rather than tomatoes in a tin?! The higher vibration a food has, the more you will shine! Yes!, Those raw, living foods have the potential to make you sparkle! All the dis-ease and problems arise because we become too disconnected to nature. So it is important to harmonize with it. Those foods are the medium between nature/universe and us. When we are aligned with nature, our body works perfectly as it should be and our body will (re-) gain the ability to eliminate the wastes and to rebuild or heal by itself. That’s the key for the optimum health!
So blossom your creativity and make your food exciting and attractive, and enjoy making sexy, juicy, delicious food‼ What food/energy do you want to become?

The words from the world yogis…

Sayuri is a master chef and a true inspiration in the raw food world. Her creativity and passion create healthy meals that satisfy the palate of any conscious food lover. Her delectable desserts are beyond words.
– Laura Pellegrini and Pedro Rubio, directors of Ashtanga Yoga, Peru

Sayuri and her cuisine are beacons of sattvic light! Her creative spark and grounded integrity come through in every delicious, illuminating morsel. She not only researches and respects the traditional preparation of global foods, she actually improves upon classical recipes. Thus, she is taking gourmet nutrition forward with each and every plate that she so skillfully designs. It is a divine treat to enjoy her company, teachings, and her food. The food she is making on this very morning will be the food that is served in the finest health restaurants around the world in the next decade! Take the chance to see just how real, how easy, and how magical the world’s superfoods can be!
-Dylan Bernstein, Ashtanga yoga teacher, Hong Kong

Author bio
Sayuri Tanaka
Retreat chef and raw food trainer

As a raw/vegan/macrobiotic chef and teacher, Sayuri offers an experience of what it’s truly like for the body to be nourished and the heart to be opened through her food. As a teacher, she demonstrates the simplicity of physical and spiritual transformation through food. For a decade, this knowledge has taken her around the world to share with others. Being a yoga practitioner herself, Sayuri has catered for yoga retreats in India, Bali, Australia, North and South America, and Europe, and studied at some of the great academies and institutes of raw food and macrobiotics, giving her a greater understanding of preparing foods for yogis’ individual needs.

Sayuri encourages and promotes a healthy, sustainable, and highly conscious lifestyle for all of us, the earth, and the future through teaching about raw food and holding cooking workshops and training around the world, and by sharing the love and knowledge she has within.

As yoga transforms you, so does her food—guaranteed!.