

Chef Trainee

Sayuri Tanaka

Vegan & raw retreat chef & raw food trainer, founder of “Sayuri Healing Food”, co-founder of the other raw vegan café in Bali. Passionate to share & bring light, joy, excitement & playfulness to the world! Enthusiastic to assist your individual journey to re- discover each gift of who you truly are through retreats and raw food chef trainings that she facilitates in Bali and around the world. Raw-sweet enthusiasm both to create & eat ;)

Juliana Arroyave

Currently located in Thailand.

I am a Raw Food, Dessert & Plant Based Chef Instructor, an IIN Holistic Health Coach and a Yogi who loves sharing my passion for a healthy conscious lifestyle. Growing up, I struggled with weight issues and anxiety. Later on in life I learned that I was insulin resistant so I decided to mindfully reconnect with my body, soul and mind. It has been a healing journey filled with learnings, self-love and community support. I empower every soul who is ready to transform their life from unhealthy habits so they can Feel Better, Healthier and more Conscious.

@DushiSoul @DushiKitchen

Yuki Kishino

Certified raw food chef instructor / certified spagyrics herbalist/ plant alchemist. I have been in a raw vegan lifestyle for over 10 years. For me,cooking is spell plant languages on the dishes and its my joy and passion. My mission is helping people shift into a kinder, healthier ,more conscious and creative lifestyle with mother earth through raw food and skin food.


Yuki Kishino


Sayoko Kawai

Currently located in Japan

After overcoming illness, I’ve led a 15-year raw food journey and taught for 13 years in Japan and in Bali. As an eCornell Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate Professional, I now integrate this expertise into my course. Alongside 20 years teaching English at high school, I explored holistic education, earning a Steiner certification. Founding Tokihanate, I host seminars using food to regenerate Earth, advocating for a healthier, happier, sustainable world.


自身の病気の克服をきっかけに、ローフード実践15年、教室運営13年目。米国コーネル大学のPlant-Based Nutrition Certificateを修了し、プラントベース栄養学コースを開講中。20年にわたる高校英語教師としてのキャリアの傍ら、ホリスティック教育を模索し、シュタイナー教員の資格も取得。NPO法人トキハナテを立ち上げ、「食から始まる地球再生」をテーマにオンラインセミナーなど開催。食と教育を融合させたアプローチで、人と地球の健康と幸せ、持続可能な未来への情熱を伝えています。

Vania Lie

Vania is a certified raw food and plant-based chef, chocolatier, and Hospitality Management graduate. Her passion for cooking has guided her career, taking her to the kitchens of renowned international hotels and inspiring her to explore the connection between the food we eat and our well-being.

With a deep love for fitness, martial arts, mountaineering, and diving, Vania embraces a holistic approach to food, creating meals that are both nutritious and delicious. Her dedication to wellness drives her work at Sayuri Healing Food Academy, where she shares her expertise and helps others find balance and harmony through the art of cooking.

Vanessa Alonso

Chemist by profession but her favourite laboratory is actually the kitchen! Her purpose is doing what she loves, which involves healthy foods, nutrition and wellness. Very passionate about environment, animal welfare, mindfulness, yoga and community, she is always eager to learn more about compassionate, eco-sustainable, ethical and healthy ways of living.

Born and raised in Venezuela, moved to Australia but later on ended up quitting her corporate mining job to share and promote her enthusiasm about vegan lifestyle in paradise Bali.


Guest Teachers

arif sq

Arif Springs

Arif was born into a traditional West Javanese family and learned grassroots ways to heal using local herbs and spices.

He was the driving force behind award-winning raw food restaurant Fresh, and has presented his raw food workshops at several Ubud Writers and Food Festivals.

Owner of Ubud-based wellness product company DJAMOEKOE.